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Please note, all the information related to this dog isn't reported. Each recipe is adapted to the animal with all its characteristics and the ingredients chosen, this homemade diet recipe is given here as an example and is not suitable for all dogs.
Please note, detailed information related to this cat is at the end of the page, but not displayed here. Remember each recipe is adapted to the animal with all its characteristics and the ingredients chosen, this mixed diet recipe is given here as an example and is not suitable for all cats.
1-it is not possible to guarantee that it will be balanced, so we cannot be held responsible
2-because our furry dogs are companion dogs, who live with us humans and other humans around us, and the health aspect (transmission of pathogenic bacteria) is a serious problem and risk.
Freezing meats reduces the risk of parasites, but does not kill bacteria. The idea that a dog's stomach kills all bacteria is completely wrong.
Among the pathogenic bacteria found in certain ingredients of barf rations, some make the dog visibly ill, so they can be found. But for others, this is not the case, and the dog is a healthy carrier, and shedder: it contaminates its environment without being sick ... with genuine risks for people around it.
You can choose from the list of meats offered one or more different meats when ordering several recipes. You can feed the meat raw if it can be eaten raw by humans (such as a tartare).
The basis of the diet, which will provide all the essential nutrients for your dog, will consist in meat, some vegetables (rather cooked, because they are well tolerated, and can thus, be given in larger quantities), rapeseed oil (yes it is vegetal, but it nevertheless contains essential fatty acids for the dog that it will not be found in fish oil), and a vitamin mineral supplement, in order to guarantee the right amount of all micronutrients (but not excess) for the dog, depending on its age and the other ingredients chosen.
You can add a dairy, and two other ingredients in the treat category.
No carcasses nor chicken necks, too rich in minerals or even in lipids (which make the overall balance impossible). No long bones / chicken bones either ... due to risk of perforation (if this has fortunatly never happened to your dog, however if you were to see more dogs, as a vet does, you would change your mind!).
Yes, to fight against tartar without too much risk: a marrow bone, raw beef bone, in size proportional to the size of your dog's mouth, big enough so that he does not swallow it, and with a center not too big because the dog can surround it on the mandible!
It is possible but without guarantee. Vit'i5 represents both immense security and a guarantee of stable coverage of needs: with Viti'5, micronutrient requirements are covered without excess or deficiency. It is theoretically possible to do otherwise (with a little crushed bone, a little liver, a little kidney, brains, eyes ...) BUT we absolutely cannot guarantee that the right amounts of all the essential nutrients will be present (in the right quantities, with no risk of excess or deficiency). We therefore cannot recommend such an option, as our recipes engage our professional civil liability.
For a healthy cat or dog:
*1st step : fill your pet's information
*2d step : pick the ingredients
* Kibble and/or can = industrial food
> Select "kibble" or "can" or both:
you can choose the type of food you give (choose a COMPLETE FOOD for the characteristics of your dog or your cat) and have the label of the whole foods distributed handy because you will have to enter some information ...
The proportion of KIBBLE vs CAN can be chosen by moving the cursor: 25% / 75% or 50% / 50% or 75% / 25% of the calories provided respectively by the croquettes and by the boxes.
BE CAREFUL we do not judge the relevance or the quality of the industrial foods chosen. We take into account their calorie content when deciding how much to give, taking into account the individual characteristics of the animal.
* Homemade diet
> Select "Fresh food = Homemade diet"
> Choose: 1 meat or 1 fish among the choices offered (depending on the choices you make next, it may happen that this choice is reconsidered and that you are offered a slightly different list so that the whole recipe is balanced) + 1 vegetable (a single vegetable or a list of a few interchangeable vegetables) + 1 starch (you can choose no starch or little starch or a standard amount)
In any homemade diet, the recipe will contain Rapeseed Oil and Vit'i5 so that the recipe is balanced. Stick to the addition of these ingredients which represent 40 to 50% of the essential nutrients (even in small quantities since it is micronutrients, they are nonetheless essential).
* both :
Dry food in the morning, homemade in the evening ... common in Dogs
Kibble and xan, AND homemade ... often required for catsC
> Select "Half-Half"
you must then select the food type (kibble and can), and the homemade food part.
For the cat, you cannot add starch to the homemade diet in a mixed diet.
> Add a dairy +/- sweets (0, 1 or 2 different sweets maximum among cold meats, fruits, cakes or bought ready-made) if you wish
After secure payment of the single recipe, you can see it and DOWNLOAD it and PRINT it. It can be found at any time on the animal's file
Each recipe includes:
- the quantities of each ingredient selected and the addition of essential ingredients to balance the diet
- information according to the animal's situation
- Preparation / Conservation / Distribution recommendations for the recipe
- information on each ingredient included in the recipe
- various advices on your pet's follow-up
For each recipe, you can choose:
If you choose kibble and / or can, we will not judge this choice.
Choose a food where it is written complete food, and intended for a dog or a cat in the situation of your animal. We take into account the nutritional characteristics of the label (average analysis), to calculate the energy density.
For homemade or mixed diets, many possibilities of meat / fish, starch and vegetables will be offered. These menus are adapted to the individual situation of your animal so not all the options will always be available in your specific case.
In the dairy products, you will find different cheeses, white cheeses, yogurts ...
In the sweets, 4 categories are available: Fruit, Deli / Sausage / Egg, Cookie / Biscuit / Starch (the banana is in this category!) and aleady-made (bought as is).
For a choice of Treats, Choose the Quantity among those offered:
The additions and quantities offered are suited to the characteristics entered for your pet: the options may therefore vary from one animal to another. If the desired ingredient is not present in these lists, do not hesitate to contact us! (select 'contact' in 'object').
Meat or fish ? With or without vegetables and starch ? Treats or not ? If you're not sure about the best ingredients to select for your homemade recipe for a cat, we've detailed the various options offered as ingredient choices.
On the site we ask you a lot of information about your pet so that we can determine its nutritional needs.
Once these needs have been determined, we can propose different solutions: it is up to you to choose the type of food you want to give - industrial, homemade or half-and-half, or industrial with a little fruit and dairy, for example-
No, not necessarily: all your recipes are available in pdf format (accessible from your user area, see above if necessary). You can download them to conult them at any time from your computer or phone, see print them.
It is possible that the recipe ultimately contains 0 starch, especially for a small dog, if you have selected a little fatty meat and treats.
What to do ?
To add starchy foods, you will need to choose leaner meat and less treat.
In a recipe, generally the weight of the ingredients is the raw weight.
Here are the reasons, by ingredient category:
* meat, and fish, because during cooking it loses more or less water, depending on the cooking itself, but we are more certain of the nutritional composition of raw meat. So we don't make mistakes.
* vegetables: steam cooking does not change much, but cooking for a long time in the pan reduces the water content and changes the situation a lot
* starchy foods: a raw starch like rice, pasta ... is dry, and its composition is known. Cooking a starch increases the water content, 3 to 4 times, but this amount depends on both the starch and the cooking itself. So we consider the dry weight so as not to make any mistakes. You can use the cooked weight if you have weighed the dry weight once, and the corresponding cooked weight, and if you always follow the same method, and the same cooking time, the same proportion of starch and water, the same draining time ... in short, it's more random.
* Vit'i5 and Oil: these ingredients must not be cooked or heated, the quantity is therefore always indicated raw.
Do you have questions about the food transition for your dog or cat or about the preparation (distribution and storage) of a homemade diet?
When starchy foods are frozen, they often become less digestible to most animals. If your pet tolerates them well, without digestive disorders, continue! These are always the general recommendations, and not all animals are equally sensitive, especially if the amount of starch is small and if it is done occasionally.
(gestation, lactation, growth, overweight) :
If your pet is Growing, it can benefit from our new COACHING service.
The stop of the growth matches the reach of adult size and weight. We can roughly give an approximate age, but it is never exact.
To be sure that bone growth has stopped, we can take a skeletal X-ray and check whether the growth cartilages are still visible or not.
> CAT: nutritional needs are identified as different from those of an adult up to the age of 40 weeks (10 months). It may be a little later.
> DOG: it depends on the breed: the larger the breed, the later the growth ends, around 10-12 months for a dog weighing less than 10kg, between 12 and 18 months for a dog weighing 10 to 25kg, between 14 to 24 months for a larger dog.
For a pregnant or lactating female, you can order single recipes, yet we suggest the PetACroc subscription (3 months of unlimited recipes for a cat or a dog), to allow the recipes to evolve with the situation in view of the number of young, appetite for one food or another ...
Think of a mixed ration from a growth food (half growth kibble + half homemade recipe)!
Meat or fish? With or without vegetables and starches? Treats or not? If you are hesitating about the best ingredients to select for the homemade recipe for your kitten, we have detailed for you the various options offered in the choice of ingredients, depending on its sterilization.
If your pet is overweight, it can benefit from our new COACHING service.
An overweight coaching includes :
Do you want to make a recipe with different ingredients?
Click on "NEW recipe"
Do you want to change the information (weight, activity) before requesting a new recipe?
Click on "view my pet's COACHING" and then "Update information".
Once the information is up to date and validated, click on "NEW recipe".
If your pet is sick, his nutritional needs may change. In order to take into account those needs the disease of your pet has to be entered while ordering the diet.
However, if your animal is sick, even if stabilised / under treatment, only your vet can request recipes.
If your animal is sick, even if stabilised / under treatment, only your vet can request recipes.
Order a custom recipe for your pet!
Indicative rates at the bottom of the home page
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